7 Things I Have Learnt So Far In 2021

2021 has already been a challenging year – with loads of changes and new things happening in my life. A lot of ups followed by a lot of downs and we are just through with 4.5 months yet. Here are 7 things that 2021 has taught me so far –

  1. Not everybody needs to know your business – I have been an avid user of social media over the past few years with a public profile. I’d post extensively about my travels to share travel tips with other travellers. With the onset of 2020, I soon moved to a private profile and have reduced sharing a lot of information on social media. It is definitely not a bad thing to share on social media especially if you are an influencer and your whole job revolves around it. But it is definitely important to know where to draw the line between public and private information. Similarly even in your social circle – not everybody needs to know what is happening in your life. Save the good news for people who will genuinely be happy in your happiness.
  2. To listen to my gut more often – It is funny how my gut warns me about things and people way before my brain registers it and it is funnier how often I ignore my gut. But I’ve learnt to listen to that gut feeling and to not force things that are just plain convenient.
  3. Anxiety is here to stay – Sure, there are good days and sometimes weeks but inevitably anxiety rears its ugly head and makes a come back in my life. I’ve finally made my peace with anxiety always being a part of my life but I am trying to make sure I deal with it a little better every time it makes a come back.
  4. It is okay to let go of relationships that don’t add value to your life – I know how hard we all try to hold on to relationships but sometimes the wise thing to do is to walkaway from relationships that are just dead weights in your life. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to cut off completely from people – but reduce contact and expectations.
  5. Believe in yourself and your dreams – It is always going to be hard to find people that believe in your and your dreams – start with yourself – have faith in yourself and your capabilities and go after what you want no matter what the naysayers say.
  6. Go with the flow of life – If you are like me, you enjoy making plans for the future but more often than not life doesn’t go as per our plans. So always leave room for life’s plans and learn to go with the flow instead of fighting it – life is that much easier. Unless the flow is taking you towards a waterfall then swim for your damn life!
  7. It’s okay to take a break – I’ve always been one of those people who felt guilty about taking a break. I think the culture I come from values hard work over happiness and peace. But this year has forced me to take a break and helped me from burning out. So to all those struggling with giving themselves a breather – it’s okay to stop for a while as long as you catch up from where you left off after.

I hope to find more peace in this year by making peace with my past and present. What are some life lessons you’ve learnt in 2021? Has it been a good, so-so or not so great year for you?

PS: Hey you, yes you! Go checkout my other latest posts and show them some love –

If you are new to my blog – welcome to my world! I try to spread happiness and cheer through my content but more often end up venting about my life on here. Follow me to join me in my adventures and mishaps that make my life interesting. ❀

Image credits:

Image 1: Photo by energepic.com on Pexels.com

Image 2: Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

31 Comments Add yours

  1. Jas krish says:

    Well articulated…the COVID enforced lockdown has given a loads of lessons to those willing to learn…
    Stay blessed πŸ™πŸ˜‡

    Liked by 3 people

  2. This is so well expressed. I can relate to so many things out here! Lovely.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Lani says:

    Hard lessons, for sure. And on #4, I’d add sometimes you also just grow apart. I feel this way with some relationships these days and I’m okay with it. Make room for new ones to come in! xo

    Liked by 4 people

  4. No 2 and 4 yaaaaaass!!! They are so true for me too!! Thankx for sharing these mokshaπŸ’Ÿ

    Liked by 2 people

  5. utahan15 says:

    have fun and if it is good for you. darn


  6. I can’t believe we are 4.5 months into 2021. This year I have learned about the many benefits of taking care of myself. I made it a goal this year to practice yoga every day and drink more water. It was amazing how quickly I noticed improvements in myself.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I agree with all of these, especially 1 and 4. Sometimes we feel like certain people are on our side when they’re really not. It’s good to let go of the people who are toxic to us.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Vansh Tiwari says:

    Taking Breaks are also an important part of the routine life! I too figured this point out after experience.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. #4 yes. Such a hard one, but makes such a difference in our happiness quotient! And #6 I’m soooo bad at this one, but it’s soooo good to learn. I’m working on that one for sure 😬 So sorry for your anxiety battles ugh. Hang in there and have a lovely weekend πŸ’–

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Shreya Sinha says:

    I really need to work on no 4th. 😞

    Liked by 1 person

  11. https://tamarakulish.com/ says:

    You’ve articulated these lessons so well! To have learned these lessons so well and to share them with us is wonderful! You’re so right on so many points!


  12. vaniheart says:

    I so agree with all of them, and I am also trying to make my peace with the anxiety point, like no it won’t go for real , it will increase or reduce according to my actions πŸ˜… but it will be there always


  13. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to cut off completely from people – but reduce contact and expectations – this has been a big one for me! And you have stated others very well too.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. petespringerauthor says:

    There are three types of social media posts that I find particularly annoying:

    1. The Guilt Trip: I’ll bet none of my friends will post this on their wall. (Good guess!)
    2. Airing One’s Dirty Laundry: (Self-explanatory)
    3. The Mystery Postβ€”you know, the ones where somebody says something ominous, and then we waste time trying to figure out who it might be directed act. 🀣 (Well, at least I know never to trust you again.)

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Shahrin says:

    Moksha<3 I love the way you write -it gives me all the feels. Especially 'start with yourself' -yes we got to do that with dreams.


  16. Lebogang Shazzygal Malatji says:

    I’ve stayed in friendships which never really served me well but I’ve tried to cut much interactions and it has helped me a lot. And I see so much progress in my life.
    Same applies to blabbing all my plans and ideas with people, I’ve learned to keep the good news for people who genuinely loves me and being happy in my happiness.

    In 2021
    1. I’ve learnt to not be too hard on myself
    Just like you I’ve always felt guilty when I took a break or especially if I’m not busy with anything, I couldn’t handle the pressure.
    I always found myself wanting to persevere not realizing that the purpose is no longer being served

    2. 2021 has taught me to love myself more and not COMPARE myself to anyone. I’ve put myself under a lot of pressure due to comparison with other people.
    This is always what I blab about on my blog.


  17. Ella says:

    I feel like many of the things you mentioned here we often heard in the past but didn’t really internalized the until this event that we are going through. It has definitely been life changing for many of us, if not all of us.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. LOVE these so much, so true. These are similar learnings I have from this pandemic too, especially 2, 6 and 7. We can plan all we want but there’s only so much we can foresee (darn you pandemic). Once I start appreciating going with the flow I feel much less anxiety, knowing that…great things can still happen even if it’s different from my original plan. Thanks for sharing!! πŸ’›

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Juliette says:

    Soo true! I completely agree with all of these lessons and I feel like I have been learning pretty much the same thing as well. I am distancing myself from social media a bit, and trying to go with the flow and distance myself from people that I know are not always good for me. These are for sure tough things to learn and a bit of a work in progress, but it is okay. The most important thing is to move forward, even by a tiny bit at a time 😊


  20. Wonani says:

    Totally here for #6. This year, for the first time in a long time, I’m semi comfortable with not knowing what comes next πŸ˜‚ that has saved me a lot of nervousness.


  21. bosssybabe says:

    Yes! It is okay to take a break, to let go of ppl who are toxic to your life and to live in your anxiety bc only when you live it (I think) can you unpack it properly to see where the anxiety comes from..

    What I’ve learned so far for me is anxiety doesn’t necessarily mean depression and it’s okay to feel anxious and have bad days… It’s important to tell at least one person you trust so they can help you out of your rut πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy Panda says:

      My anxiety has been pretty bad the past year – affecting my sleep! I wake up in the middle of the night in pure panic. And I’m getting help but I feel like it’s just this thing I need to live with and find ways to get around it. Like build a routine to help me around the moments when my anxiety is at it’s worst so I don’t stop doing things because of it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. bosssybabe says:

        I’m glad you’re recognizing that you can’t do it alone And need help πŸ™‚


  22. Sabik Hasan says:

    The first point was really relatable. The moment we let everybody know all our business, the same moment we invite troubles for the future. Thanks for bringing this up !


  23. The first point is one I agree with in particular, we need to be careful not to share our whole life to everyone!!


  24. Ha ha the third one is so true. Anxiety is here to stay! The number of times I’ve told myself that things will be ok only to worry more. I’ve now resigned to the fact that these worries are a constant companion. Particularly with a business of your own. So many things that can go wrong and sometimes unfortunately does.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy Panda says:

      True! I have been trying to battle anxiety for the past two years but have decided to make peace and walk with it side by side. 😊
      Wow, you have your own business? What do you do? If I might ask!


      1. Couldn’t agree more , that acceptance makes a huge difference. Actually used to. I’ve run two businesses – one in the tourism industry for about 5 years which was amazing. The other one was in technology and software which went through a huge fundraising before I had to take the tough decision of closing the business 2 years ago.

        Now I’ve shifted gears and work in a company. But the business part was something I thoroughly enjoyed and went through quite a bit of hurt.. both sides i suppose πŸ˜ƒ

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Happy Panda says:

        Wow. That’s impressive!! Would love to know more. I’ve just started my own venture and trying my hand at something. Any advice? πŸ™‚


      3. That’s very cool to know. Of course more than happy to share my experiences. It will be great to know more about the business and your vision – perhaps best to carry the conversation via email/Linkedin? My linked in is at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vinay-nagaraju-15665b27/ (sorry a bit reluctant to share email ID on wordpress comments that’s all)


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